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Part-Time Program


The Part-Time Program is designed for students who struggle in one or more academic/cognitive areas but only have a limited time during the week to work on these issues.  After an assessment, students are assigned to the appropriate exercise which addresses their difficulties.  Features of this program:


  • Minimum of 4 hours per week per cognitive function

  • 1 to 3 cognitive functions can be strengthened

  • 10 months (September - June)

  • Flexible scheduling; students / parents choose hours from following times:

    • Monday - Friday 16:15 - 18:15

    • Saturday 10:00 - 12:00

  • Enrollments accepted throughout the year

    * Assessment required



Symbol Relations Cognitive Enhancement Program


The Cognitive Enhancement Program is designed for individuals who would like to strengthen their cognitive abilities.  Whether you’re a student who would like to improve your grades, or an employee who would like to gain a professional edge, this program will allow you to enhance one of your most important assets  - your brain.  It is suitable for students of all ages, corporate executives, athletes, senior citizens, and anyone who is interested in promoting brain health.  


This program specifically enhances the Symbol Relations cognitive function which is responsible for many higher order thinking capabilities such as:


  • Processing concepts across all academic disciplines

  • Understanding and quickly grasping what is read and heard

  • Logical reasoning

  • Seeing connections between ideas

  • Cause and effect processing

  • Mathematical reasoning


Features of this program:

  • Minimum of 4 hours per week

  • 10 month time period (September - June)

  • Flexible scheduling; students / parents choose hours from following times:

    • Monday - Friday 16:15 - 18:15

    • Saturday 10:00 - 12:00

  • Enrollments accepted throughout the year

  • Assessment NOT required


Motor Symbol Sequencing Program (MSS)


The Motor Symbol Sequencing Program (MSS) is suitable for part-time students who struggle with the following areas:


  • Messy, effortful, or disorganized written expression

  • Difficulty taking effective notes, completing timed tests and assignments

  • Poor spelling; miscopying letters or numbers; making careless errors

  • Losing place when reading; misreading a known word; skipping letters, words or punctuation


Features of this program:

  • 6 days per week, 1 to 1 ½ hours per day AT-HOME

  • Check in once every 2 weeks AT-CENTER

  • MSS assessment required





The Arrowsmith Program assessment is a suite of cognitive tests designed to evaluate

an individual’s learning profile. The Arrowsmith Program assessment provides insight

and awareness into the cognitive profile of an individual by identifying the strengths and

weaknesses in specific cognitive functions that impact a broad range of learning.

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Providing the



Route d'Avouillon 28

1854 Leysin -  Switzerland

+41 78 926 76 72


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©2022 by Enhancing Minds Cognitive Center

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