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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

Suitable Attendee

​The typical attendee for the Arrowsmith program

  • is of average or above-average intelligence

  • has a combination of the learning dysfunctions that are described in the Descriptions of Learning Dysfunctions on the Arrowsmith website

  • does not have severe intellectual, cognitive, emotional or behavioral disorders that would significantly affect his or her ability to participate in the Arrowsmith Program

  • does not have acquired brain injury or an autism spectrum disorder

These are guidelines only. There are many attendees who fall within these guidelines; others who may require further consideration and still others for whom we feel this program cannot provide meaningful benefit.

For example, we do not accept children with severe autism but the Arrowsmith program has had success with high functioning students with Asperger Syndrome. Some professionals consider Asperger Syndrome to be the same as or similar to high functioning autism, others associate it with a non-verbal learning disorder. There is no hard and fast rule and we will consider their appropriateness for our program in consultation with the children's parents.

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